Centralasiatisk Konference på KUA


Torsdag d. 16/11 inviterer fagrådene for Asienstudier og Østeuropastudier til heldagskonference om Centralasien i festsalen på Søndre Campus! Centralasiatisk Konference på KUA – Københavns Universitet

De to studenterforeninger har sammen udarbejdet et fagligt oplægsprogram bestående af forskere, organisationer og studerende, som vil åbne op for regionen og udfolde en række interessante problemstillinger inden for historiske, kulturelle, sproglige, geo- og sikkerhedspolitiske forhold I Centralasien.

Oplæggene vil vare henover eftermiddagen fra kl. 13.00-18.00, hvorefter der vil blive serveret regionale retter og åbnet op for en række infostande, der henvender sig til unge studerende med interesse for centralasiatiske forhold. Samarbejdspartnere: Centralasiatisk Selskab og Udenrigspolitisk Selskab (U35) være til stede.

Konferencen er gratis og er åben for alle som har interesse for regionen eller er nysgerrige på at udforske den.


  • 13:00 - 13:10: Welcome
  • 13:10 - 14:00: "What I wish I Had Known About Studying Central Asia: Positionality, Decoloniality and Approaches" by Abigail Scripka
  • 14:00 - 14:15: Break
  • 14:15 - 14:35: "Monitoring Democratic Elections in Kyrgyzstan" by Niels Søndergaard
  • 14:35 - 15:10: "Post-Soviet Co-Existence in Urban Uzbekistan" by Vera Skvirskaja
  • 15:10 - 15:35: "Reflections on Dushanbe, Tajikistan" by Rasmus Elling
  • 15:35 - 15:50: Break
  • 15:50 - 16:35: Student Presentations by Simon Røn Dalsgaard, Emma Hesselholt & Estrid Hedegaard Knudsen
  • 16:35 - 16:50: Break
  • 16:50 - 17:20: "Importance of Central Asia in China's Vision for Alternative World Order" by Lars Erslev
  • 17:20 - 17:25: Closing Remarks
  • 17:25 - 19:00: Marketplace with Infostands
  • 18:00 - 19:00: Community Dinner 

OBS: frist for tilmelding: d. 13. november. Man tilmelder sig ved at trykke deltager her på begivenheden!

Begivenhed på Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1778879005896484/


The student councils of Asian and East European Studies invite you to a conference on Central Asia on November 16th in “Festsalen” at Søndre Campus. Centralasiatisk Konference på KUA – Københavns Universitet

The student councils have collaborated on creating a programme, consisting of presentations by a range of scholars, organizations and students who will open up the region and cover a range of interesting topics from historical, cultural and linguistic relations to geo- and security politics in Central Asia.

There will be presentations from 13:00-18:00, after which the participants will have the opportunity to try regional dishes. In addition to that, info stands with the intent of reaching out to students who have an interest in Central Asia will be open. Collaborators: Centralasiatisk Selskab and Udenrigspolitisk Selskab (U35).

The conference is free of charge and open for everyone with an interest in the region or simply want to explore it.

TO BE ANNOUNCED: Menu and schedule for the presentations.

OBS: Deadline for participating is on November 13th. You register by responding with “Going” to this event!


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